Editor: Anne Bandry-Scubbi and Peter de Voogd
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, January 2013.
Isbn13: 978-1-4438-4231-0
Isbn: 1-4438-4231-1

The humour of Tristram Shandy has often been acknowledged, but it is not easy to find scholarly articles on Laurence Sterne which suggest that their authors laughed as they wrote. Nine authors have been invited to redress this in the year of the tercentenary of Sterne’s birth. This volume offers nine different facets of humour, a kaleidoscope which enables readers to recombine at will the genial, the bawdy, the sentimental, the ludicrous, the hobby-horsical, the philosophical, the irreverent, the incongruous and the facetious, sending the text spiralling out of the page into the infinite of the mind.
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Table of contents:
Suzy Halimi
Anne Bandry-Scubbi and Peter de Voogd
Chapter One : Tristram Shandy as Comedy of Errors
Madeleine Descargues-Grant
Chapter Two :“Make them like unto a wheel”: Motion and Humour in Tristram Shandy
Anne Dromart
Chapter Three : A Book that Excites Laughter: The Physiology of Laughter in Tristram Shandy
Alexis Tadié
Chapter Four : A “New Order of Beings and Things”: Caricature in Sterne’s Fictional Worlds
M.-C. Newbould
Chapter Five : Asses, Artichokes and Macaroons: The Joco-Serious Humour of Tristram Shandy
Marc Martinez
Chapter Six : Sterne’s Comic Menagerie
Brigitte Friant-Kessler
Chapter Seven : “Into What a Delicious Riot of Things Am I Rushing?”: Material Things and Humour in Tristram Shandy
Paul Goring
Chapter Eight : Tactus Interruptus as Sternean Trope
W.G. Day
Chapter Nine : Surfeits of words, Surviving lists in Tristram Shandy
Amélie Junqua