Le programme pour le colloque annuel de la SEAA est disponible. Vous pouvez le trouver ici.
Vous pouvez également consulter la page dédiée au colloque ici.
La Société organise un colloque annuel, en janvier.
Du fait des circonstances exceptionnelles du printemps 2020, l’appel à communications pour le colloque 2021 de la société a été prolongé jusqu’au 20 juillet. Vous trouverez plus d’informations sur le colloque et l’appel à communications ici.
Un colloque consacré aux voyages de James Cook, susceptible d’intéresser tout particulièrement les agrégatives et les agrégatifs, aura lieu le 7 et le 8 février prochain à la maison de la recherche de la faculté des Lettres de Sorbonne Université.
Le programme est disponible ici.
L’appel à communications pour le prochain colloque annuel de laSociété d’Études Anglo-Américaines des 17e et 18e siècles, qui aura lieu les 17 et 18 janvier 2020 à l’Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne est désormais disponible.
Vous pouvez consulter la page consacrée au colloque annuel ici.
Vous pouvez également télécharger l’appel à communications en format PDF ici.
Crimes et criminels dans le monde anglophone aux XVIIe-XVIIIe siècles
18 et 19 janvier 2019
Colloque international de la Société d’Etudes Anglo-Américaines des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles (SEAA 17-18)
Lieu : Université Panthéon-Assas, Centre Panthéon, Salle des Conseils, 12 Place du Panthéon, 75231 Paris cedex 05
Le programme est téléchargeable ici.
8h45-9h00 : Accueil des participants
9h-9h15 : Ouverture du colloque : Armelle Sabatier (Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas), Bertrand Van Ruymbeke (Université Paris 8, IUF) et Anne Page (Aix-Marseille Université)
9h15-10h30 : Atelier 1 : « Mythologies de la criminalité » (Présidence de séance : Sophie Vasset, Université Paris-Diderot )
9h15-9h40 : Nathalie Bernard (Aix-Marseille Université) : « La vierge, la sorcière et le magistrat : Henry Fielding et l’affaire Elizabeth Canning, un fait divers à la lisière de la fiction»
9h40-10h05 : Andrew Bricker (Ghent University) : « A Poor Lovesick girl » : Sentimentalizing Female Murderers in Eighteenth-Century England »
10h05-10h30: Benjamin Mauduit (Université de Tours) : « Le pirate comme présage : la barbe d’Edward Teach »
10h30-10h45 : discussion
10h45-11h15 : pause
11h15-12h30 : Atelier 2 : De l’ordre public dans les colonies (Présidence de séance : Marie-Jeanne Rossignol, Université Paris-Diderot )
11h15-11h40: Roger Ekirch (Virginia Tech), « Escape Hatch or Deathtrap? The Allure of the Atlantic »
11h40-12h05: Anne-Claire Faucquez (Université Paris 8) « Captain Kidd, le corsaire devenu pirate : héros de la nation ou ennemi à abattre ? »
12h05-12h30 : Elodie Peyrol-Kleiber (Université de Poitiers) : « Criminels et juges : l’exercice de la justice dans les cours de comté de la Chesapeake, 17e-18e siècles »
12h30-12h45 : discussion
12h45-14h30 : déjeuner libre
14h30-15h15 : Conférence plénière. Présidence de séance : Bertrand Van Ruymbeke
Professor Trevor Burnard (University of Melbourne) : « Murder on the High Seas: the Zong, Jamaican Commerce, the American Revolution and the Birth of British Abolitionism, 1781-83 »
15h15-15h30 : discussion
15h30-16h00 : pause
16h-18h30 : assemblée générale
18h30 : cocktail (appartement décanal, Centre Panthéon)
9h-10h15 : Atelier 3 : « Crime et Châtiment » (Présidence de séance : Armelle Sabatier )
9h00-9h25 : Emma Renaud (Rennes 2) « Demonology of King James I : The battle of the Protestant Solomon against the Devil’s agents »
9h25-9h50: Neil Davie (Université Lyon 2) : « Feet of Marble or Feet of Clay? John Howard and the origins of prison reform in Britain, 1773-1790 »
9h50-10h15: Kathryn Temple (Georgetown University) : « ‘For Liberty?’: The Adolescent Criminal as Rebel in Eighteenth-Century England »
10h15-10h40: Claire Gallien (Université Montpellier) et Olivera Jokic (City University of New York): «Fictions of Society, Law and Criminality under Early Colonialism»
10h40-11h00 : discussion
11h00-11h30 : pause
11h30-12h30 : Table ronde sur Roxana et Daniel Defoe
Dirigé par Sophie Jorrand (Université de la Réunion)
Invités : Emmanuelle Peraldo (Université de Lyon III), Isabelle Bour (Université de la Sorbonne Nouvelle), Alexis Tadié (Paris Sorbonne Universités)
12h30 Book Club Brunch animé par Ladan Niayesh (Université Paris Diderot)
Fin du colloque à 14h30
Université Panthéon Assas, Centre Panthéon,
12 Place du Panthéon, 75231 Paris cedex 05
• RER : ligne B station Luxembourg
• Métro : ligne 10 station Odéon, Cluny-la-Sorbonne ou Maubert-Mutualité
• Bus : Lignes 21, 27, ou 82, arrêt Luuxembourg
Lignes 84, arrêt Place du Panthéon
Lignes 86 ou 87, arrêt Cluny
Ligne 89, arrêt Mairie du 5e-Panthéon
Partenaires :
• Société d’Etudes Anglo-Américaines des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles (SEAA 17-18)
• Law and Humanities, groupe de recherche du CERSA (UMR 7106), Université Paris Panthéon Assas
• Instituts des Amériques (IDA)
The 2019 SAES conference will question the complex notion of ‘exception(s)’, a concept which finds particular resonance within seventeenth and eighteenth-century studies. We invite papers and panels to ponder the notion of exception as the precursor of renewal and change, often ‘the unthinkable, the eccentric and the transgressive’.
An exception is dual by nature, condemned by some as a mistake, an erroneous and temporary deviation from the norm whose model it challenges, but hailed by others as the trailblazing sign towards new artistic, political and religious directions. In this atelier, we will question the status of the exception as the harbinger of transformation.
During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, attempts at stabilizing the world through the conception of norms and the application of rules seemed proportionate to the many upheavals of the dominant codes of the time. The era developed a marked interest in the careful policing of exceptions and the theorizing of the rules governing all aspects of the world. Political thinkers, poets and artists tried to unlock the timeless rules by which the world was governed, from Locke in his Essay Concerning Human Understanding to the work of grammarians striving to shape the English language clearly (Hermes, James Harris, 1751), or Adam Smith and his theorization of economics. Yet the idea of the exception seemed constantly to emerge, it evoked an escape from rules and conventions which no longer applied. When in 1754 Hogarth published The Analysis of Beauty, attempting to give a template to the artists of the day through which to achieve harmony, he wrote that ‘it is a constant rule in composition in painting to avoid regularity’. Either in literary circles, with the development of the novel and its refusal to comply with any genre of the time, or in artistic terms, with the emergence of new schools claiming to represent modernity, exceptions appeared to dictate the new direction of taste and style.
Such tension between the stability fostered by rues and the change heralded by exceptions to those rules was felt sharply in both British and American political and religious institutions. After the Reformation, English Catholicism was no longer the norm but rather an exception, an anomaly to be eradicated. Later, the civil wars of the 1640s sent a legitimate monarch to his death and his heirs into exile, whilst conferring power to a man of lowly extraction and bringing down the unity of the established Church of England. Later still, the Glorious Revolution entirely rewrote the criteria for royal legitimacy, and installed a foreigner on the throne. Such changes were all deeply transgressive of long-established norms, and their outcomes would have been unimaginable to many of their contemporaries. Similarly, the American Revolution, while deeply influenced by British thought and philosophy, eventually became a transition towards the shaping of a new American identity, based on an ever-growing feeling of exceptionalism and a sense of national destiny.
In a broader geopolitical context, the multiplication of upheavals and wars, sometimes spanning several continents and the transformation of European and overseas territories led to the emergence of revolutionary states, which in turn questioned the very nature of exceptionality, since a revolution is by definition a state of exception supposed to bridge the gap between two stable regimes. Yet the idea of a revolutionary spirit, at the turn of the nineteenth century, had become less of a transgression and more of a manifesto of youth and renewal.
Transgression of norms and rupture with tradition thus heralded new eras and produced new norms. The establishment of an American Constitution following the Philadelphia Congressional Congress of 1787 as well as the ratification of a Bill of Rights formalized these new norms, transforming a revolutionary moment into a model for other nations, and the Founding Fathers into rule makers rather than rabble rousers. The historians both of America and of the British Isles contributed to the fashioning of a narrative of exception for their respective nations, building what has since been debunked as a Whig myth of greatness and unity which, whilst hailing the elect nation as exceptional, in fact took care to homogenize and normalize what it meant to be ‘American’ or ‘British’. But in the process, such historiographies entirely neglecting those at the margins of that grand narrative, such as those outside of the established Protestant norm, or those outside of normative reproductive heterosexuality, or women, the young, the poor, the natives, Afro-American peoples, or any group standing outside a norm which was white, male and Protestant.
How then can an exception be defined? Is it but a transition between two norms, or the impetus for the creation of new ones? Can its transgressive aspects be digested and included into the new templates it creates? Self-defining one’s art, society or religion as an exception necessitates the conception of an identity in constant flux, and the possibility of an endless revolutionary state. Yet exceptions both defy and define norms in their time, by creating either a reaction or a school of thought. An exception can thus appear as a prophet for the new, but also as a limiting category in which transgression, instead of being encouraged, is paradoxically enshrined.
Papers will not exceed 25 to 30 minutes maximum.
Proposals of 300 words (in English, in Word.doc format), accompanied by a brief bio-bibliography, should be sent to Laurence Lux-Sterritt and Sara Watson by 1st November 2018 at: laurence.sterritt@univ-amu.fr and sara.watson@univ-amu.fr
Papers will be considered for publication in the Varia of XVII-XVIII (25,
List of topics for papers / panels (non-exhaustive):
– Exceptions and exceptionalism
British and American revolutions as exceptions, templates or transitional states
States of exception in political history of the period
-Exceptional spaces
A new world order creating spaces of exception inside European Empires (colonial exceptions)
Globalization and transmission of models of exception: are revolutions contagious?
-The exception in literature and art: oddity, transition or establishment of the new norm?
The question of new literary forms emerging during the period and their relationship to older established forms
Modernity versus tradition in art
Deliberate literary transgressions and the emergence of new manifestos
-Religious exceptions and revolutions
New religious minorities and exceptions during the 17th century
The transition from exception to establishment
This seminar invites individual papers or panels of two or three speakers to explore the concepts of exception and exceptionality in early modern history and literature. It would like to gather researchers specialising in history, literature (theatre, poetry, prose) and visual arts to reflect these concepts in context and in connection and contrast with current understandings of these notions. The seminar also wishes to observe the actual nature of normative rules and models and how much they were followed politically, aesthetically, socially and religiously. It will analyse how the early modern era relied on exception as a method of improvement of normative rules.
The seminar welcomes proposals dealing with exceptionality from a legal, political and theological point of view. In the wake of Diego Pirillo’s forthcoming study of The Refugee-Diplomat: Venice, England and the Reformation (Cornell, 2018), we would like to focus on political, religious, commercial and artistic agents, women and men working both “within and outside formal state channels through underground networks of individuals who were able to move across confessional and linguistic borders, often adapting their own identities to the changing political conditions they encountered”. Papers may focus on exceptional individuals (scientists, writers, painters, politicians, religious refugees, dissenters etc) in exceptional situations and the consequences of such exceptionality on political, social, sexual and religious norms. This exceptionality should be seen in terms of gender and social ranking as well as of confession. Cross-borders literary and non-literary perspectives are also welcome.
Subsequently, papers are invited to discuss the concept of tolerance and the evolution from comprehension to toleration. It also examines early modern criticisms of toleration such as George Wither’s views of toleration as conspiracy in Prince Henry’s Obsequies (1612) and the development of a rhetoric of exclusion in literary and non-literary texts.
As the barriers between literature and history did not exist in the Renaissance, this seminar will naturally explore how art and, in particular, theatre and poetry contributed to these philosophical and political debates. It will examine how early modern male and female artists promoted or opposed exceptions and exceptionality to change aesthetic views and practice. For Keir Elam, theatre “allow[s] the individual’s context to be alienated and an alternative state of affairs to be perceived as more immediately real.” (The Semiotics of Theatre and Drama). Papers may consider then how the visual arts and literature made use of exceptions and exceptionality to question mimesis on a purely aesthetic level but also on the political level. The example of Shakespeare’s reconfiguration of the views on beauty in the wake of the sonnets to the dark lady should lead to a study of the ways the early modern era either encouraged or debunked normative and conservative views of gender, race and sexuality. It will raise the question of the fluctuating views of exemplarity and regularity during the early modern era.
Notwithstanding the importance and the impact of exceptions and exceptionality, the papers may also explore the limits of this concept in terms of our understanding of the early modern era. Peter Brook writes that “all the exceptions blur the truth” (The Empty Space), and we should also reflect on the limits of exceptionality in terms of political as well as aesthetic agency and of our vision and the representation of history. The seminar thus invites reflexive contributions on how contemporary visions on the Renaissance turn the early modern era into an “exceptional” era which some would blindly emulate, and others would dismiss altogether. This debate applies both to the strict content of early modern studies and the place of the Humanities in today’s episteme, but also to the place of early modern studies in the Humanities today.
List of topics for papers / panels (non-exhaustive):
– Tolerance, Toleration and Exceptions: from Comprehension to Exclusion
– Religious and territorial diversity in early modern polities (government, representation, local and geopolitical perspectives)
– Literary discussions of comprehension, toleration and exception (religious, territorial, sexual diversity in theatre, poetry, prose)
– Radical iconoclasm as a major feature of English religious identity (visual arts)
– England and exceptionalism: from toleration to exclusion
-Early Modern Theatre and Rule-Breaking: The Poetics and Politics of Exception on the Stage:
-When the exception is the rule: making exceptions, creating new norms?
-Off-centering normative performance: staging early modern drama anew (anti-traditionalist theories and performances…)
-The theatre exception: an exceptional space for new epistemes
-Norms and exceptions: rethinking norms and normality
– The rule of exemplarity? : the evolution of role models in early modern literature and history
– Discussing early modern views of regularity
-Debunking Normative Beauty: The Exception of the Dark Ladies in Early Modern Literature
-From Petrarchan beauty to Black is Beautiful
-Poetry and stage performance then and now
– “Exceptional and Unacceptable” (Elizabeth Honig, “Lady Dacre and pairing by Hans Eworth”, Renaissance Bodies): The Agency of Early Modern Women on the Political and Cultural Stage
-The cases of Bess of Hardwick, Arbella Stuart et al. as art dealers and political intermediaries
-Early modern women writers and their actual agency: exception, transgression and renewal
-New approaches to teaching and researching Renaissance Studies (History and Literature)
-Shakespeare, the Canon of the Exception: from exception to norm to exception again.
-Early Modern Studies in the contemporary world: the limits of exceptionality
Papers should be no more than 25-30 minutes long.
Please send proposals of individual papers (250 words) or two-to-three-paper panels to Nathalie Rivère de Carles (nrivere@univ-tlse2.fr) and Jean-Louis Claret (jean-louis.claret@univ-amu.fr
Le colloque annuel des jeunes chercheurs co-organisé par la Société d’Études Anglo-Américaines des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles, par la Société Française d’Étude du XVIIIe siècle, par la Société d’étude du XVIIe siècle et par l’Institut de recherche sur la Renaissance, l’âge Classique et les Lumières (IRCL) aura lieu les 18 et 19 octobre prochain à l’Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3.
Télécharger le programme du colloque.
13h30 Accueil café
14h00 Ouverture du colloque par l’IRCL et les sociétés savantes
(SEAA XVII-XVIII, SFEDS, Société d’étude du XVIIe siècle)
Présidence de séance : Rachel Darmon (Université Paul-Valéry, IRCL)
14h15 Dario Nicolosi (Université de Pise) : « Resémantiser l’héritage
du monde grec : l’Oreste de Voltaire et la valeur du mythe et
du théâtre ancien au XVIIIe siècle »
14h40 Discussion
14h55 Ádám Smrcz (Institut de philosophie, Académie hongroise des sciences) : « La représentation du stoïcisme à l’Âge Classique »
15h20 Discussion
15h35 Pause
Présidence de séance : Luiz Carlos Villalta (Université Fédérale du Minas Gerais, Brésil)
16h05 Paula Almeida Mendes (Université de Porto) : « L’héritage des
modèles classiques dans le genre biographique au Portugal (XVIe-XVIIe siècle) »
16h30 Discussion
16h45 Justine Mangeant (ENS Lyon) et Manon Turban (Université Paris Diderot) : « L’horreur en héritage : Brutus vu par Shakespeare et Voltaire »
17h10 Discussion
17h25 Fin de la session
20h00 Dîner du colloque
8h45 Accueil café
Présidence de séance : Janice Valls-Russell (CNRS, IRCL)
9h00 Nora Galland (Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3) : « A
diachronic delineation of race in Peter Sellars’ The Merchant of
Venice (1994) and Othello (2009) : focusing on casting politics
and spectators’ expectations »
9h25 Discussion
9h40 Lucy-Anne Katgely (Université de Strasbourg) : « Signature
et héritage des romans ‘by a lady’ : de l’école Burney à l’idéologie romantique »
10h05 Discussion
10h20 Pause café
Présidence de séance : Luc Borot (Université Paul-Valéry, IRCL)
10h40 Juliette Misset (Université de Strasbourg) : « Reading British
Didactic Novels (1778-1829) : From Initial Critical Reception to
Modern Readership »
11h05 Discussion
11h20 Meijian Zheng (Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3) : « La
réception du Paradoxe sur le comédien de Diderot en Chine :
un héritage controversé »
11h45 Discussion
12h00 Buffet (salle Médicis, site Saint-Charles 2)
Président de séance : Léo Stambul (Université Paul-Valéry, IRCL)
13h00 Claire Charrier (Université de Paris Nanterre) : « L’oeuvre
gravé de Rembrandt et la pratique de l’invention à partir des modèles »
13h25 Discussion
13h40 Lauriane Brémond (Aix-Marseille Université) : « Charles II et sa correspondance : entre héritage national et familial »
14h05 Discussion
14h20 Pause café
Président de séance : Dominique Triaire (Université Paul-Valéry, IRCL)
14h40 Asmaa Aoujil (Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3) : « L’ Alcoran de Mahomet (1647) d’André du Ryer : une rupture avec
l’héritage culturel de l’époque »
15h05 Discussion
15h20 Soumaya Filali (Université La Manouba, Tunis) : « OEdipe travesti de Dominique : la reprise parodique d’une tragédie de Voltaire entre contestation et consécration »
15h45 Discussion
16h00 Clôture de la journée